Call For First Round Applications For Admission Into Various Bachelor Degree Programmes For The 2024/2025 Academic Year
Mzumbe University invites applications from qualified Tanzanians and non-Tanzanians for admission into various degree programmes offered at Mzumbe University for the 2024/2025 academic year for the first round of applications which commences on 15th July, 2024 and ends on 10th August, 2024. The Bachelor Degree Programmes are offered in three campuses namely, the Mzumbe University-Main Campus in Morogoro (MU); Mzumbe University-Dar es Salaam Campus College (MUDCCo); and Mzumbe University-Mbeya Campus College (MUMCCo). In order to be considered for admission to any of the programmes, applicants must specify in their application the campus they prefer. Programmes codes are important to take into account when choosing a study programme since they identify the campus where the programme is offered. Candidates may select up to three choices; selection is based on the candidate's preferences for the programme and ability to compete on the basis of academic performance.
Any programme with a code starting with “MU” is offered at Mzumbe University - Main Campus; while the code starting with “MDA” is offered at the Mzumbe University-Dar es Salaam Campus College (MUDCCo) and a code starting with “MMB” is offered at the Mzumbe University-Mbeya Campus College (MUMCCo).
For more Details, Click here
To Apply, Click here